Serving Las Vegas Since 1965

Many of the conditions for African Americans in the early 1960s were seen as an injustice.  Basic civil rights were a dream, and the reality was African Americans were still facing prejudice and racism. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was well known for its efforts to secure justice for all people. A few Alpha Kappa Alpha women had a dream to find their sisters and a vision to place our sorority on the map in the Las Vegas desert.

In 1962, six ladies of Alpha Kappa Sorority, Inc. came together with the idea of starting a graduate chapter in Las Vegas, Nevada.  In order to make this dream a reality, the search was on to find other members that would be interested in accomplishing this goal. Notices were posted at the Clark County School District and Nellis Air Force Base in search of potential members for their interest group. 

The group was called “Le Debonaires” and functioned as a club for one year.  They elected officers, planned projects, and provided service in the community. “Le Debonaires” maintained their twelve members for one year and reported directly to the Regional Director, who was Soror Leadie M. Clark. At this time, Soror Julia B. Purnell was the International President.

After completing their first year, the members of “Le Debonaires” had proven their ability to organize and succeed in accomplishing their goals and carrying out their plans. The group was allowed to change its name to Alpha Kappa Alpha Women and proceed with the process of chartering a chapter. Their greatest fear was one of the sorors from Nellis Air Force Base would be transferred before finishing the requirements for chartering.

At the end of the second year, with the number still at twelve, all of the necessary requirements were completed and approved.  The chartering took place on May 23, 1965, with charter members Florence White*, Lorrayne Hall*, Jacqueline Hoggard, Betty Forshee*, Jeanne Penn*, Harriett Robinson*, Lois Bolden*, Margaret Crawford*, Barbara Kirkland, Dorothy Von Puhl Thornhill, Marilyn Brooks* and Anna Beth Carter*.

Within a few years, chapter membership decreased to eight members when sorors from Nellis Air Force base were relocated. Through the arrival of sorors into the city and the intake of many new members, the chapter’s membership has steadily grown over the years. 

Theta Theta Omega has continued to build its membership and is a pillar in the Las Vegas community. There are currently over 200 active members. We are truly blessed that four charter members of Theta Theta Omega are still alive. 

Two of the charter members continue to be active in the chapter. The women of Alpha Kappa Alpha have vision and continue to make history.